The View in Naju

As promised, below are some more photos of Naju and Gwangju (a nearby city). I found a church about one hour bus ride from my apartment that has an English ministry. The pastor is a native to South Korea, but the congregation is filled with many English-speaking cultures such as South Africans, Filipinos and Americans like myself. It is neat because many of these people are also English teachers with a heart for God. I sort of feel like I'm in youth group again because there are social outings almost every week. This past Sunday, we all ate lunch together and then went on a beautiful hike up one of the mountains in Gwangju. I found that hiking is a SUPER popular past time here in South Korea. We passed several along the trail who looked like they came straight out of Outdoor magazine. Brandi and I had decided to join the "Rabbits" hiking group which was supposed to go faster and longer than the other group (the Turtles). Of course, we didn't expect to be power-walking the two-hour trek up an advanced trail. Needless to say, many calories were burned that day.

I hadn't realized before what a bonding experience hiking through God's creation can be. I had multiple great chats with some of the church members including being blessed with some amazing testimonies of God's grace. By the end of the hike, I felt as though I had known everyone in my group for years rather than hours.

Teaching is still going great. Now that I have become more comfortable with my job, I am beginning to seek God's wisdom about several ministry opportunities outside of my school. I know that He has brought me here for a purpose, which I intend to fulfill. However, I know that I must be careful not to take on more than I can handle because I want to make sure I can satisfy my commitments with excellence. Please be praying for me in this area!

Yum! Dumplings!

I love me some coffee shops! 

The "Rabbits"!

There is always some sort of festival happening here. This appeared to be some sort of talent show for young people put on by the YMCA.

A view I enjoy on the way back to my apartment from downtown.

The city of Gwangju.
Waiting for my shoulder to heal fully so I can do this!

Downtown Naju.

Outside my Academy


  1. Be safe, girl. Be safe! You are always in my thoughts!!

  2. Thank you Vicki and "Sophia" :)

  3. What an exciting adventure you have. So glad the internet has come so far. There are days like I feel as if your just a step away. Prasing god for all he's doing. Love to see the pictures.
    Love mom


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