Breaking News: My official departure!

My Dear Family and Friends,

I am super excited to share with you that I will be departing for South Korea promptly at 6:00 am on Tuesday, September 9th -- eight days from now! So that is my big news.

People keep asking me if I am nervous. The answer? Not really... maybe I should be. But the truth is that I'm not nervous because I know that this is God's leading in my life. And, in my experience, when you follow God's leading in life, there is incredible peace. Now, I don't want to sound overconfident. I anticipate that there will be countless trials along the way. I realize that I might possibly have no idea what in the world I am getting myself into... I guess there is only one way to find out. I am not nervous, I am excited. I can't wait to get my feet wet and begin putting my English degree to good use. I am ecstatic to begin pouring my life into the futures of young, Korean students. I am elated to experience a new culture, learn a new language and yes, even eat some new food.

Another question I have been getting a lot: What is your living situation going to be?
Well, I shall be sharing a 2 bedroom apartment with my friend Brandi (I graduated from Liberty with her and she will be teaching English at the same school as me). I haven't had a chance to see any photos of the place yet, so it shall be a surprise! I'll be living about five minutes from my school and will either walk or use public transportation to get around. One of the best parts about my job is that it is an after-school program I will be teaching, so I won't have to be at work until 2:30 in the afternoon! If you know me, you know I'm a night owl, and not a morning person at all, so this works out quite nicely. There are few things I love more than having my mornings to rest, drink a good cup of coffee, and spend some quality time with God.

I will be living in Naju which, I am told, is a small city comparable to Lynchburg. The city is famous for their Asian pears... so guess I'll be enjoying a few of those! There seems to be a good community of foreign teachers there. Outside of that, I don't know much about the location.

Will you have a phone? Probably not one I can use to communicate with those in the U.S.... however, this is something I need to look into more once I arrive. Koreans are all about technology, so perhaps I can get a phone for a reasonable price. For now, you can communicate with me via Skype and this lovely blog of mine.

Well, that's what I have for you at the present. Feel free to comment with questions!

Over and Out.


  1. We're so excited for you Eden! It's going to be a huge adventure. We'll be praying for you this year. um..... those pears are delicious so that sounds like a good place to be living haha.

  2. I laughed out loud when I read that your job starts in the afternoon. How in the world did you find a teaching job where you get to sleep in? Lucky!

  3. Thank you Ana. I know this will be a big adventure and I will need your prayers! Liz... God is clearly looking out for me. That's all I can say! :)


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