Reflecting on 2017, Moving Forward in 2018

Well, we have reached the year 2018! Every year on this day, I take time to sit down and reflect on the past year and set some goals for the next. Many people refuse to make resolutions, claiming that they are useless, having made many before and failed. However, the way I see it, the point isn’t actually to accomplish everything on your list, it is to help you know what direction you are going. I make ambitious lists every year, and every year, I fail to accomplish all of my goals. For example, one item that is on my list every year is to read more books! I also have learned that in making goals, it is important to be specific and set realistic deadlines for completing each task. So, my goal last year was to read one book each month... a goal which probably isn’t that impressive to most avid readers. I love reading, but it’s tough to find the time! This is an example of why it is also important to know where each of your resolutions lands on the priority scale. While reading is very important, it ranks lower than other things on my list (such as music) and therefore, often ends up being left out… but that is okay! I realize that if I am going to push myself by making ambitions goal lists, I have to be realistic and give myself leeway to not always complete everything. Okay, that is all for my pro-resolutions rant. Go write your list!

Now to reflect on the past year.

Every year is different, isn’t it? Each year, our lives take turns and twists we never could have predicted. This year for me has been a year where I have seen God directly answer specific prayers I had at the beginning of the year. It has been a year of building new and beautiful relationships and also, of new experiences. Here are a few major things I experienced and learned in 2017:

1. Arranging, performing and recording vioin parts for Andrew Vlasblom’s Ballad of Coward Jack. This was a brand new experience for me requiring a lot of hours and hard work and resulting in great musical growth.

2. Having my sister visit me here in Korea in May. It was amazing having one of my family members be able to come visit me and experience firsthand what my life is like here in Korea. She got to meet all of my “family” here, eat crazy food like octopus and chicken feet, see my work place, and visit Jeju Island (Korea’s “Hawaii” and one of the new Seven Wonders of Nature due to its amazing and unique landscape of volcanoes, culture, natural formations, and blue ocean).

3. Joining a mission’s trip to Gochang. This summer, I had the opportunity to go on a local missions trip with the youth of my church here in Gwangju. On this trip, our team ran a sort of vacation Bible school in the evenings, teaching the children of rural Gochang songs, stories and games in English while doing musical canvasing during the mornings. It was a unique trip for me as I was able to use the guitar skills I’ve gradually been honing over the years.

4. Participating in the Dreamers Mongolia Music Tour in October. Dreamers are a team of musicians, artist, and supporters who seek to break down cultural barriers through music and interaction. We also aspire to bring peace, love, and comfort to the world, especially those at a disadvantage. The headquarters of dreamers is located in Daein Night Market in the city where I currently live in Gwangju, South Korea. Every Saturday night (during market season) this is an open space for any musician in the city to come perform music and socialize with both locals and tourists. The Dreamers were started in 2015 by founder Taesang Park, arguably the biggest dreamer of us all. In Mongolia, I saw a beautiful country with a plethora of incredible animals such as camels and wild horses. My favorite part of the trip was seeing people living a simple life in simple joy and being able to touch their lives for a moment with my music.

5. Performing numerous musical concerts throughout the year at open mics, festivals, weddings and special events. This year, I found a new realization that music is at the core of my being and something which is a powerful tool that I aspire to use more in the New Year. I realized that when I play music is when I feel most alive, and not only that, but I love to see others come alive through the music too.

6. Becoming a magazine editor of the Gwangju News. “Gwangju News is the first local English magazine in Korea, first published in 2001. Each monthly issue covers local and regional issues, with a focus on the roles and activities of the international residents and local English-speaking communities.”   Ever since I was a young child, it was sort of a fantasy of mine to one day be a journalist or editor. I was more than elated to finally (and unexpectedly) be afforded this opportunity. While the News definitely takes over my life sometimes, it’s been a pleasurable growth experience and may possibly open doors for a future career.

7. Being in healthier, better shape than ever. Over the course of the past 1.5 years, I finally found a way I could consistently exercise without pulling too many teeth. The answer was the pool, where I don’t sweat, and don’t get too bored, and bonus—get a full-body workout. When I moved to Gwangju, I was blessed to be in an apartment only a 10 minute bike ride from an indoor pool! Due to regularly attending the pool an average of three times per week and watching my carb intake, I feel great and weigh less than I have since high school. Yay!

8. Learning I can’t function on 9-5. Last December, I took a bit of a risk when I accepted a new job and moved from Naju to Gwangju. There were two things I worried about: 1. Teaching kindergarteners (actually turned out to be not so bad) 2. Working a morning schedule. You see, at my old job, I worked in the evenings, and being a night owl, that was a great schedule for me. There were many advantages, but best of all was having the ability to sleep in a bit and do things like Bible study, writing, music, and exercise during the parts of the day where I feel physically and mentally most capable. Since I struggle to wake up early, most days, I get out of bed in just enough time to get myself ready for work and go. But, just the simple task of waking up before 8 has always been excruciating for me and I found that the evening schedule was MUCH better for me. After 1.5 years at this job, I’ve decided to take a holiday after my contract ends at the end of February. It will be a chance to recharge my batteries, travel a bit, and have some much-needed family time! I also plan to work on a few musical projects during this time. After that, I plan to start a new teaching contract in Gwangju probably in early June, but this time on an EVENING schedule, which I believe will allow me to move forward better with my goals in the New Year.

So, there you have it, highlights from 2017.

My theme for 2018 will be mainly: “Moving Forward”. I plan to travel and focus on music more with a major emphasis on reaching out to the elderly community in Gwangju after I return from my furlough in June. Other major projects I am hopeful for are recording a professional quality instrumental album as well as starting a YouTube Chanel for my music. If you read this whole blog post, then I am impressed. Not only that, but I am thankful to have someone show an interest in my life. God bless you in the New Year.

With Love,



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