Time Is Money
There is one thing that is more valuable than money, and that's time, because, unlike a job where you put hours in to get money out, you will never be able to put even a second of time back into your bank account.I guess that's why they say, time is money.
This is an idea that I haven't been able to get away from since I hit the ripe age of probably about 11 -- an age when most kids are maturing enough to think about deeper things in life other than saving for the latest toy or playing with one's friends. Of course, when I was still eleven, I wanted material things like popularity and success, but there were other things I began to want too, like a life that really meant something.
I think being raised in a Christian household perhaps set my mind thinking about the afterlife at an earlier age than most. For years, I had been reminded every Sunday morning, evening, and Wednesday night that life continued on after death. Therefore, it mattered how I spent my current life which would affect the one after this.
And how was it that I could spend my time best? By storing up treasures in Heaven (loving others like Jesus would and living a holy life). Someone who is not a Christian or doesn't believe in the truth of the Scriptures or the afterlife might stop me here and say that, for them, it makes more sense to live it up now while they can. To them, it might not make any sense to deprive themselves of any of life's temporal pleasures. To an extent, I can at least see where they are coming from.
However, its like Paul the Apostle said, humoring the aforementioned mindset (at least I think it was Paul, somewhere in the New Testament). Even if I am wrong about what I truly believe and there is no God, no afterlife, I have still lived a better life because of my belief.
Each day I grow older I see this statement to be truer. My belief in God drives me to be a better person. It motivates me to love other people, including the less-lovely and even my enemies. It gives me a hope for a bright future despite the bleakness of this current world which seems to be getting darker by the minute. It gives me a purpose every day: to enjoy the beauty of nature around me that God created and appreciate the arts which are a reflection of intelligent design, glorifying Him in this very act of appreciation. To love others and reap the joys and satisfactions that come from doing good, and to know that through it all, I am living a full and meaningful life that will one day be reflected in Eternity.
Everything we do in the short time we have matters. That is why I want to make every minute count.
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