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Sometimes I also play guitar...

Most people know me as a violinist, and that is primarily what I am. Yet, to me there are few things that make me feel closer go God than strumming a guitar and singing worship songs. So, here is a rare recording of me singing. I know I haven't the best singing voice, but I do hope to continue improving so that one day I can sing with confidence and not hurt so many people's ears :p. Before watching the video, I'd love it if you would consider these lyrics by Casting Crowns: To know you is never worry for my life, and To know you is to never to give in or compromise To know you is to want to tell the world about you 'Cause I can't live without you To know you is to hear your voice when you are calling To know you is to catch my brother when he is falling To know you is to feel the pain of the broken hearted 'Cause they can't live with out you. More than my next breath More than life or death All reaching for,

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